Healthy Economics

Healthy Economics is not a program, but rather an Inter-generational network that shares the focus of improving the communities food and educational system by utilizing the school (often the high school) as the center of the community.

Our strategy to improve the food system, is to increase the production and distribution of healthy food within a community by setting up farmers markets and cooperative grocery stores (the main role of mo’ better food).

Our strategy to improve the educational system is to increase the governance in the schools, i.e. student government, parent teacher associations, alumni associations (main role of friends of school) and involve these organizations in the development of farmers markets and cooperative grocery stores ( the main function of the Inter-generational Enterprise).

The community becomes physically healthier from increasing their access to fresh fruits and vegetables and economically healthier from establishing the needed businesses within the community that provide healthy food, jobs, training and community pride.



Typical programs in low-income communities are brought in from outside the community. They are usually managed by others and when they prove to be unsuccessful, another program (also from the outside) is brought in. This process repeats itself.


Sometimes these programs prove to have level some success, but run out of money before their programs can truly establish community sustainability.


Healthy Economics plants the seed for the school’s internal organizations to operate and grow their own version of building Healthy Economics in their community.

Once the school is complete, The Familyhood Connection’s Inter-generational Enterprise Program helps to bridge the school into the improvement of the overall community.

This is what we call building Healthy Economics!

David N. Roach
Author: David N. Roach

Point guard. Lead off man. All time quarterback aka The Adventures of Hotep!

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