Greetings Friends of GeoAg,

The Tennessee State University College of Agriculture  will host a Geological Agriculture (GeoAg) Press Conference on Thursday, December 10, 2020.

The purpose of the press conference is to showcase the results of a TSU six-year GeoAg Research, Education, and Extension study and outline the TSU 2021 GeoAg research strategy.

GeoAg faculty researchers from TSU and other academic institutions will share preliminary research findings related to urban agriculture, food deserts, and animal science. Participating institutions include Bronx Community College/CUNY, Morgan State University, and ARDE/KUBAHO, an NGO in Kigali, Rwanda among others.

RSVP to receive the zoom link two days before the TSU GeoAg Press Conference on 12.10.20:

David N. Roach
Author: David N. Roach

Point guard. Lead off man. All time quarterback aka The Adventures of Hotep!

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