“The Idea of Familyhood” is best described in The Familyhood Handbook written by David N. Roach

Download The Familyhood Handbook


Familyhood is a community development vision that defines schools as the center of the communities development. The pipeline towards Familyhood begins with children in school. During their years of education, they participate in their Student Government Association. Let’s call these years k-12. Once that child graduates from High School, Familyhood promotes that child to join the Alumni Association. In practice, this means each year, according to Familyhood, schools should recruit their graduates into their schools Alumni Association. Let’s call the Alumni years the “AFTER K” years. Together, (K -12 + AFTER K YEARS = ENTIRE LIFE. This image – “BIG HEAD WITH FACES” is a school . Similar to a school of fish, according to FAMILYHOOD, the faces represent Alumni, Students, Friends of the School, loosely tied together, every changing, each year through new graduates joining, students entering the school. A major role of the schools, according to Familyhood, is to serve their surrounding community, by serving its students and later Alumni for their entire life. The role of the school is to collect, preserve and serve the needs of its children and community. How does a community advance towards Familyhood? The “do now” strategy to advance towards Familyhood is 1st Saturdays. 1st Saturdays represents the first Saturday of each month as the official monthly volunteer / recruitment/ information day. Once a month, the schools Student Government Association, Parent Teacher Association and Alumni Association share updates and strategies to plan/manage their school garden, farmers market and future grocery store. To get started, Schools sign up at 1stSaturdays.com
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