From the People Up – Familyhood outlines a systemic approach of community development that utilizes schools and their extended population as the center of the communities development.
Familyhood is not reliant upon funding to get started. Once a school’s Familyhood grows in capacity, Familyhood has the power and influence to attract the necessary resources to grow the school-based enterprises to generate revenue to fund itself.
Familyhoood is an attempt to move away from the typical missionary / non -profit approach of community development being provided by an organization to serve the communities needs. Instead, Familyhood is an inter-generational approach of promoting governance from within the community to serve the needs of the school and it’s surrounding community.
PAGE 3 – The Conversation – The Community and The School.
PAGE 5 – The Philosophy of Familyhood
PAGE 16 – Motto 1
PAGE 18 – Motto 2
PAGE 21 – 1st Saturdays
PAGE 25 – Familyhood is a 20 year plan
PAGE 30 – Familyhood Benefits
PAGE 33 – About the Author
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