The communication to and from the Student Government Associations and the Alumni Associations are the communities Thread of leadership according to Familyhood. To illustrate the thread of the communities clearer, lets look at the pipeline of governance according to familyhood. The pipeline begins with students joining a school’s Student Government Association and graduating into the school’s Alumni Association. Alumni, according to Familyhood are graduates who are willing to return to the school in service, i.e. mentor, volunteer, and members of the school’s Alumni Association.

Let’s follow the journey of , lets create a person, “John Doe.”
John Doe grew up in West Oakland. He attended the same school’s his parents attended. . John Doe was born in 1965. John Doe attended Hoover Elementary School, Lowell Middle School and McClymonds High School and Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA.

If Familyhood were functioinhg what would John Doe’s journey look like? What networks, organizations would he now be apart of?
Let’s start with John Doe graduiating from McClymonds High School in 1983. he joined the Alumni Association as soon as he walked off the stage and has been an Alumni ever since – a total of 39 years. Which means McClymonds served John Doe for 4 years and has had John Doe’s support for the next 39 years and still ticking.
He graduated from Lowell Middle School in 1979 and joined Lowell’s Alumni Association right after leaving the stage. And, like in McClymonds case, He has been an Alumni ever since…43 years. He graduated from Hoover elementary in 1975 and now an Alumni of Hoover for 47 years.

John Doe was very active in the Student Government Association at Hoover Elelmentary. He was elected Treasurer of The Student Government Association one year and class president as a 5th grader. John Doe experienced first- hand Hoover Elementary school’s Alumni Association mentorship/ support in helping them understand how to meet, i,.e. roberts rule of order, budgets, etc. Most of the Alumni of Hoover, were student government leaders at Lowell Middle School who were being mentored by Lowell’s Alumni Association. The communication between the student government asasociation and its alumni association, at all the grade levels, as illustrated above, creates the communities thread of leadership.

David N. Roach
Author: David N. Roach

Point guard. Lead off man. All time quarterback aka The Adventures of Hotep!

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