The Pipeline between schools and their community – Familyhood prioritizes the welfare of the community

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As you know, Familyhood is a community development vision that defines schools as the center of the communities development. Familyhood’s  “means of production is Alumni’. Alumni are graduates who return and mentor the Student Government Association. “The more Alumni Familyhood produces, the more developed the community will become.” is our philosophy. Since, Alumni years are after ones years in school, the rest of ones life, after high-school, Familyhood’s vision is to provide for its Students for their entire life.

To illustrate, lets call someone John Doe. John Doe was born and raised in Oakland, CA. John Doe graduates from McClymonds High School. After walking off the stage with his diploma, John walks over to the Alumni booth and signs up. Which means, John Doe attended the school for four years and now has signed up for the Alumni for the rest of his life. As a student of the Student Gov’t Association, John Doe volunteered each month on the 1st Saturday of the month in the school garden. During these volunteer events, he met many Alumni of the school and community partners. He also discovered an internship opportunity through one of the Alumni. Now, as a newly registered Alumni, he agrees to return as an Alumni and mentor the next generation of students. Johns transition from Student Government Association to Alumni Association is what Familyhood defines as “Producing Alumni” . Which is the main aim Familyhood -to produce Alumni.


David N. Roach
Author: David N. Roach

Point guard. Lead off man. All time quarterback aka The Adventures of Hotep!

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